
Spa Marketing & Branding

Original price was: $12,000.00.Current price is: $4,000.00.

In SPA business there are 3 major steps:

  • Branding
  • Creating the Website
  • Marketing

This package is designed to turn your website and online marketing efforts as a whole system that will help you to generate a constant stream of clients and also work as your branding deck to separate you from other SPAs.



In SPA business there are 3 major steps:

  • Branding
  • Creating the Website
  • Marketing

This package is designed to turn your website and online marketing efforts as a whole system that will help you to generate a constant stream of clients and also work as your branding deck to separate you from other SPAs.


  1. Branding Direction:Our team will sit with you and understand your bsiness your stregths weaknesses and exact type of customers you want to meet up. Based on those facts we wil come up with:

-What your company stands for

-Whom we targetting and what value we can provide

-What will interest those people

-Crafting great offers that will attract your target audience.

This exercise will allow you to have clarity and the roadmap for your business years to come.

  1. Website: Acts as a shell for all your potential prospects to look at your services, your testimonials, and understand your business… WITHOUT YOU DOING A SINGLE THING!
  2. Photography: We will help you to take photos of your place and also customer testimonials and upload to your website + your social media platform
  3. Deal Creation: Your deals will attract potential clients who can be your loyal customers. We will help you to craft a deal and shoot out in social media.
  4. Community of Followers: Social proofing. If you have 3000 followers vs you having 30 followers, which agent looks more credible? We will show you step by step exactly how to get 3000 – 4000 highly targetted followers for free.
  5. Good Leads: Let’s face it, your time is important. You don’t want to be meeting up with people that can’t afford your services or do not need your services, so that’s why you want to pre-qualify them in terms of willingness and ability to buy your product.
  6. Ad creation: We will create the exact ads you need to run to achieve the results you are looking for.
  7. Copy Writing Secrets: We will show you exactly how to tweak and write killer sales copies. Best part is we will show you exactly what your competitors are doing and how well their ads performing.

Terms and conditions

  1. Inside the document, Getbuzz Solutions Pte Ltd. will be stated as “the company” and the buyer will be referred to as “the buyer”
  2. The deliverables of this package have been stated in deliverables section.
  3. All material, including text and images, supplied by the client and used in the production of the client’s project, will remain the client’s property. All such material will be assumed to be the property of the client and free to use without fear of breach of copyright laws.
  4. If during the website development cycle, the client does not supply the feedback required in order to complete the commission within a reasonable amount of time, the company will provide a revised timeline to the client. The earlier timeline shall stand void.
  5. The company has right to not to release the work done, or move to clients server until the agreed amount has been paid by the customer. Once the customer has paid the full amount, the company shall release the website files to the client.
  6. Payment Terms:
    The client will do the full payment through the website, which he/she can get 12 months installment plan from their bank.
  7. Additional functions or pointers that are not inside the list of deliverables will be discussed between the parties. If required, the company will provide a quotation and new deadline, those additional functions will be added upon the approval of the client.
  8. All emails from both parties are also considered legally binding and approval or requests of the parties. As long as parties indicate their approval of certain elements or requests they can confirm by email. Verbal communications cannot be traced, therefore, they should be written by email and affirmed by the other party via email, to be legally binding.
  9. By agreeing to these terms and conditions your statutory rights are not affected. You also agree that all litigation will be conducted within the jurisdiction of Singapore and associated laws and regulations.


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